Assalamualaikum wbt..
みんあ、おげんきですか?? わたしわ げんきない です。まいにち あめ あります。さむい です。As cold as my heart, still beating but lost the one thing i dear most.
Life for me are like a story book.I am impatiently eager to look at the next page of the book,and imagining the climax of the story.However,it just not as しあわせ as I imagine,it would not a happy-ending story forever.
The author of my book is Allah.My Creator,my Sustainer.Which always write the best ことば と ものがたり。However,me inside the book,the one character that always happen to be troublesome.Always sigh sadly,and been mesmerize by the situation around me.
The author had write WORLD as a bewitching place,full of sinister smiles and also an outstanding happiness.Then,the author made the plot into a maze-look alike.Puzzled and apparently unpredictable.Some characters feel like they had doing their best to fulfill the captivating world,the enchanting life and the fascination of the plot.While the other characters feel like they want to attribute their life to match-alike with the story,in the same time planning for their appearance in the sequel of the book.
Which characters are me??
Which characters are you??
あなたを choice わ なにか??

はい、LIFE IS A CHOICE..which characters you want to be,and which ending you imagine to be..
Actually,world does not split into good and bad people.Because,inside every of us together had the good and bad side.And it is OUR CHOICE about which side we want to play best..
It does not too late.And better be late than never.Allah is FORGIVEN.I am here to advice myself,and others that we should recognize the mistake we make can involve us to a gravely danger and severe outcome if we still play the characters until the last page of the book.
"O God,Ya Allah,please give me a chance to re-correct my mistake.It's all because of my bad judgement,my ignorance and my inattention.Please save me from the bad intention of other people.It just YOU that I need most"

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